Muscari Armeniacum


Anonymous said…
A very pretty macro shot. Love your depth in this image. Color too, has so much mood.
I opened the page and there it was! The photography is so excellent, I felt like I could reach out and touch the flower! Took my breath away!
Nice spring bloom. You captured the dappled light on the leaves so beautifully!
Anonymous said…
I'm a fan of Muscari, and this is a particularly charming view. -Jean
I have always loved the way muscari buds look and you captured their essence.
lula said…
Donna, Beth, Thank you, it did really cheer me up shooting at them!
Karin, it felt like spring was already here!
Jean, muscaris are a must in every gardem/terrace, they are so lovely I couldn't resist taking the pic
Carolyn, I spend hours looking at flowers to undersand them and the way they bloom, thank you for telling me I succeeded.
Andrea said…
Excellent photo, love the DOF