Erica Darleyensis


Carolyn ♥ said…
Carol said…
Sweet and delicate within the icy snow. Poetic . . . fragile life beside the chill of possible death. Lovely.
Andrea said…
Marvelous capture, enchantingly awesome!
Anonymous said…
Lula, I have just recently discovered your blog on Blotanical and have become a fan. I do a "Blog of the Month" feature on my blog, Jean's Garden, where I review newly discovered garden blogs and recommend them to my readers. I just wanted to let you know that yours is one of four blogs I have highlighted this month. The post reviewing your blog just went up and your blog will be featured on my sidebar throughout the month of January. Cheers! - Jean
Anonymous said…
A very pretty photograph.
debsgarden said…
I love your blog! Wonderful photos for my gardener's eyes!
D said…
What a beautiful photo(s)! You have a wonderful eye... all so beautiful.
Shyrlene said…
Lula - I read about your blog on "Jean's Garden"; your gift for photography is incredible & inspirational! Thanks for sharing...