They really are charming coming up through the snow. I've never been much drawn to white flowers at the end of winter, but maybe I should reconsider. :-)-Jean
Anonymous said…
Lovely, but could it be G. woronowii with those shiny green leaves. It is massed beautifully.
lula said…
Thank you Jean, I really have a crush with snowdrops coming out of the snow, and they make us getting on ours knees to have a good look at them!
lula said…
Carolyn, you are the expert I trust you. I talked to the curator at the HB, who confirmed they have both varieties in the collection. The area I photographed had the label of Galanthus elwesii Hook, but could happen another G. woronowii had spread there. I checked images and it is dificult to say I do not see other labels to confirm. But in any case, your comment shows how expert you are in snowdrops!! Thank you
Anonymous said…
They are so charming and beautiful. I like them massed too. They are the first to welcome the spring so early, peaking through the snow.